Does my job affect my lungs?
Nov 15 2022 8:42AM
November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. The aim is to highlight the burden and risk factors lung cancer has around the world. During the month of November, it is also World COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) day which takes place on Thursday 17th November. The day is to raise awareness of COPD and make sure that everyone with COPD, or may have COPD, has access to the care and information they need to manage their condition well.
What is COPD?
COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is the medical name given for a group of lung conditions which causes breathing difficulties to individuals. These conditions include Emphysema which is when the air sacs within the lungs have been damaged, and Chronic Bronchitis, a long-term inflammation of the airways.
Regardless of the underlying condition, people who suffer with COPD tend to experience similar symptoms such as increasing breathlessness, persistent chesty coughs, frequent chest infections and persistent wheezing. When they are not undergoing treatment, these symptoms only become progressively worse.
What causes COPD?
One of the main causes of COPD is prolonged exposure to certain fumes and dust in the workplace. Substances which have been linked to this are;
- Cadmium Dust & Fumes
- Grain & Flour Dust
- Silica Dust
- Welding Fumes
- Isocyanates
- Coal Dust
HSE are currently undertaking random spots checks across manufacturing businesses, particularly any which use products containing silica, to ensure safe working practices have been adopted.
Exposure to airborne particles of Silica (RCS – Respirable Crystalline Silica) over a prolonged period can lead to lifelong health conditions such as Silicosis, COPD, and lung cancer.
As an employer what does this mean for you?
If you have employees who are exposed to these substances through their occupation it is important you have controls in place, such as extraction systems and face fitted masks as part of their PPE, to minimise the risks to them.
You should also consider a company health surveillance programme as this is useful tool to check the employee’s health at the beginning of employment and throughout their time with you. Even if an employee has been with you for years there is always a good time to start and get some form of base line in regard to their health.
An occupational health team can carry out health surveillance which will include a test called spirometry which can indicate if someone has an obstructive disorder such as COPD.
Get Professional Support
If you need any help with supporting your duty as an employer and protecting your employees then our team can be here for you. Our support can expand over a variety of services, from Face Fit Testing to ensure your operatives have the correct personal protection, carry out testing on your extraction systems to ensure they are performing properly, or even carrying out occupational health screening.
Please visit our website on the above links provided or call our occupational health team (01529 413347) for more information.