Ladder Inspections:
Ladders and ladder inspection are important topics for anyone who works at height or uses ladders for various tasks. Ladders are versatile and convenient tools, but they can pose serious risks if they are not use correctly and maintained properly.
The main standard that applies to ladder design and manufacture in the UK Is BS EN 131, which is the single British product standard covering all types of portable ladders (step, extending and combination). BS EN 131 has been substantially revised in recent years, to improve the safety and quality of ladders. The standard specifies the terms, types, functional sizes, requirements, testing, marking, and use instructions for ladders. It also covers specific types of ladders, such as telescopic ladders, single or multiple hinge-joint ladders, and mobile ladders with a platform. The standard does not apply to fixed ladders, loft ladders, roof ladders, or stepstools, which have their own separate standards.
Ladder inspections are not only a legal requirement, but also a good practice to ensure the safety and efficiency of your workplace. By following laws, standards and guidance on ladder use you can reduce the risk of falls and injuries, and increase your productivity and performance.
Although there are no set inspection intervals in the regulations, there are recommended inspection intervals based on the guidance and best practices from the HSE and the Ladder Association. Ladders used frequently or subject to harsh conditions should be inspected every three months, ladders used occasionally should be inspected every six months, and ladders used infrequently should be inspected every 12 months. These intervals are only a guide, and you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and the specific requirements of your workplace. You should also inspect your ladders more often if they are exposed to extreme weather, chemicals, or other factors that may affect their condition. By following these recommendations, you can ensure that you are compliant and follow current laws and regulations.
What can Arion do for you?
At Arion we can provide comprehensive ladder inspections to ensure that your ladders are safe and comply with industry standards and regulations. We can assess the condition of ladders, including rungs, rails and feet, and identify any defects or damage that may affect their stability and safety. We can also check the use and storage of the ladders to ensure that they are being used correctly and stored in a way that reduces the risk of accidents. We also offer various courses such as working at height. Working at height courses are designed for anyone who undertakes work at height, or who employs people who regularly work at height. The courses cover the legal requirements, the risk assessment process, the hierarchy of controls, and the selection and use of appropriate work equipment, such as ladders, platforms, and harnesses.
Get in touch and speak to one of our professionals. Contact us today!