Business Skills
Alcohol Personal Licence Holder
The alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom regulate the sale and consumption of alcohol. Any organisation, business or individual who wishes to sell alcohol must have a licence. This is obtained from a Licensing Authority.
This course is intended to provide you with the knowledge you need to complete the test to become a personal licence holder. It covers all the major topics relating to UK licencing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.
Approved by CPD, Laser awards & Insitute of Hospitality - Duration 90 mins* - £125.00
Twitter for Business
Twitter can be a useful business tool. This course will provide you with an understanding of what Twitter is and how it can be used.
The course provides an introduction to Twitter, how to get started and how to maintain a social presence on Twitter.
Approved by CPD - Duration 55 mins* - £90.00
Facebook for Business
Facebook can be a useful business tool. This course will provide you with an understanding of how to set up a facebook brand page, and how to add content to your page.
The course will also teach you how to get people to interact with your brand page and how to advertise on your page.
Approved by CPD - Duration 80 mins* - £90.00
Linkedin for Business
Linkedin can be a useful business tool. This course will provie you with an overview of how to set up a linkedin business page, and how to use it effectively.
Approved by CPD - Duration 45 Mins* - £90.00
Stress Management
Stress affects everyone, whether this is in the workplace or in our personal lives. This course will provide information on what stress is and why it can become a problem in a business setting.
The course will help you to start to recognise the signs of stress, understand the law relating to stress and introduce what can be done to help minimise stress.
Approved by CPD - Duration 30 mins* - £35.00
Social Media for Business
Social media is often an essential part of promoting a business and advertising the services that a business can provide.
This course will delve into what social media is, the different platforms available and how to bring all of these together to benefit your business.
Approved by CPD - Duration 100mins* - £149.00
Search Engine Optimisation for Business
Search Engine Optimisation is important for businesses as it increases your online visability. This means that more people see your website, your online traffic increases, and the better your chances are to provide your service to a larger number of individuals.
Approved by CPD - Duration 80 mins* - £149.00
Sales Skills
The course will start by providing an overview of the basic rules for sales people, along with the right mindset, self-assessment and the goals you’ll need in the short, medium and long term. It’ll cover cold calling, including how to prepare, what to say and how to deal with gatekeepers as well as walking you through a typical face-to-face meeting. You’ll learn how to start a meeting, the questions you need to ask your prospect, practical tips for presentations including, staying relaxed, getting across your main messages, handling questions and using presentation aids. We’ll also be analysing how you can sell by stressing the results prospects can expect if they buy, and how best to play to their emotions. We’ll take a look at negotiation. We’ll highlight how you can avoid it, what to say if you’re drawn into it, and how you can use your negotiating skills to land the sale and much more.
Approved by CPD - Duration 120 mins* - £35.00
Managing Meetings
Poorly run meetings waste valuable time for any organisation.
This course will show you how to run meetings effectively and improve your ability to instigate actions that are quick and efficient. The course starts with some basic definitions and statistics that outline how important running meetings effectively can be. It examines factors that make meetings great, and some practical steps you can take to ensure everything runs smoothly and successful outcomes are achieved. It also covers some of the ways you can handle any problems that may arise. Finally, it looks at different decision-making approaches you can use and finishes off with some notes on keeping a learning log to help you learn and grow, ultimately becoming a more confident and effective participant or chairperson.
Approved by CPD - Duration 60 mins* - £35.00
Anti Harassment and Bullying
Your Company should be committed to providing a working environment free from harassment and bullying and ensuring all staff are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect. This course covers the commitments that will be laid out in your company's anti-harassment and bullying policy. It then explains the differences between harassment and bullying, the steps that can be taken if either of these occur in or out of work, and some case studies to illustrate the points covered throughout the course.
Approved by CPD - Duration 32 mins* - £35.00
Anti-Bribery and Corruption
This course examines bribery and the legislation, measures and procedures that can uncover, control and reduce the impact of this criminal activity. This information is broken down into the following sections; Why corruption and bribery occur, The UK Bribery Act, Anti-bribery policies, anti-bribery management systems and how to deal with bribery in the workplace.
Approved by CPD - Duration 50 mins* - £35.00
Anti-Money Laundering
This course covers the essential facts about money-laundering, along with the relevant legal aspects and how companies can set up systems and policies to detect and deal with what is a major criminal problem, worldwide.
Approved by CPD - Duration 75 mins* - £35.00
Customer Service
Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer’s needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality service and assistance before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met.
But how is this done? How do you ensure it’s consistent across your business? What are the benefits of delivering great customer service?
This course will start by making it very clear exactly what we mean by customer service, and why it’s so vital. It then goes into detail about the goals of great customer service, communication skills both verbal and non-verbal, discovering and understanding customer needs and much more.
Approved by CDM - Duration 75 mins* - £35.00
Cyber Security
Employees, managers and directors should all have a good understanding of the threat posed by cyber-attacks and the importance of guarding against data breaches. This short course will explain why cyber attacks and data breaches happen and provide practical advice on how to set up effective defences.
Approved by CPD - Duration 25 mins* - £35.00
Developing Teamwork
Teamwork is an essential part of making any business run smoothly. Developing teamwork is all about building stronger relationships within your team by getting to know each other better and creating the foundations for an exceptionally high performing group of people.
Approved by CPD - Duration 30 mins* - £35.00
Effective Delegation
Effective delegation is an essential skill to learn if you want to be an effective manager.
Delegating can be very difficult. It means identifying the right taks to delegate, overcoming barriers to delegation and taking the time to delegate properly so that everyone knows what they're expected to do and by when.
This course will start with the essentials - defining delegation and why it is important.
Approved by CPD - Duration 110 mins* - £35.00
Developing a Workplace Mental Health Policy
When people have good mental health, they are more likely to fulfil their potential. That means they enjoy work and cope easily with work situations. They have a happy family life and good social relationships.
Organisations are required by law to promote and protect the mental well-being of their workforce. A comprehensive Mental Health Policy, along with easy-to-understand operating procedures, will incorporate mental health issues into established organisational thinking. It will make sure everyone knows how the organisation views and deals with workplace mental health.
This course covers the steps that organisations should consider when developing and implementing a comprehensive workplace Mental Health Policy.
Approved by CPD and IIRSM - Duration 20 mins* - £35.00
Developing Good Employee Relations
Effective businesses encourage the development of positive relationships between managers and employees, as well as amongst co-workers. Establishing and maintaining good work relationships is the key to a positive workplace, and it doesn't have to take a lot of time. This course will define employee relations and cover the many benefits good relations can bring to an organisation.
Approved by CPD & IIRSM - Duration 45 mins* - £35.00